The Na Kloboucku company has been involved, among others, in the following projects: realisation of the music for the film version of Vaclav Havel's Odcházení - “Leaving,” Stínu neutečeš - “You can't escape the shadow,” by Lenka Ken, Jiri Barta's Na půdě - “In the Attic,” and on a range of television projects such as: Dům u zlatého úsvitu - “House of the Golden Dawn,” and Na vlky železa - “The Iron Wolves.” Music recorded at Na kloboucku includes the music for the ballet of Beatuty and the Beast - Kráska a zvíře, and a number of cds including Mami – Načeva, Pavlíček, DJ 5 and the recent cd by Michal Pavlicek, Srdeční záležitosti - “Matters of the Heart.”